


I’m Rodrigo. I’m originally from Brazil, but for the past 6 years I’ve been living in Spain.

My career is very diverse. I’ve had many jobs, in such different areas as customer service, graphic design, teaching, and project management. My first job was at the international airport in Rio de Janeiro, and I loved it. I loved listening to other languages and talking to people from all over the world. I still do. This passion for international and multicultural settings is what more or less defined my entire career. Whenever there was a chance to work with people from other countries, I would jump right in, head first. Now, remote work allows us to be much more in contact with everybody. Though not physically close, it’s still very rewarding

For the past 6 years, since I moved to Spain, I’ve been working in the IT sector. In 2019 I found out about the cloud, and I fell in love with it. The pandemics came, and I was one of the mny that lost their jobs. I took this time to study hard, and get certified in Azure. My first job where I get to work with Azure on a daily basis just came in 2022, though. I work with Azure support and administration, giving support to Mercedes-Benz data analytics platform. This role is very rewarding because I get the chance to touch a wide range of services.

I now want to dive deeper in the cloud native universe, and study and get certified on Kubernetes. But before that, I need to build a solid base of knowledge. This is the aim of this blog, to share this knowledge building process.

This is for the immediate future. As I gain hands-on experience and knowledge, I plan one day to be a Solutions Architect.

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